I created this map to analyze which counties consume the most electricity within the residential sector. Additionally, I wanted to discover where the top-producing renewable energy zones are located within the state.
Only the top ten California Competitive Renewable Energy Zones (CREZ's), which all happen to be situated in the central and southern regions of the state, are depicted in this map. This should be no surprise considering the massive solar farms that lie within these areas.
Considering the fact that energy transmission tends to be the weak link in our energy grid, the results of my research are satisfying. More renewable energy is being produced closer to where there is a higher demand for electricity. The lesson to take from this is that energy production isn't really California's biggest problem (renewable or non-renewable sources). The problem lies in energy storage and transmission.
***This map didn't come out as well as I expected. The graph (lower left) is too small to read unless it is printed. To read more clearly, please click on the map to enlarge.
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